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Goat Visits – 2pm-7pm

Garfield Park Conservatory 300 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago

The goats return to GPC for one week each month, May - August. This program is weather dependent.

Garfield Artfuls’ Gala

Garfield Park Conservatory 300 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago

Please join and admire the artwork created by students of our Botanical Drawing Class. Free & open to all!

Goat Yoga – Sold out

Garfield Park Conservatory 300 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago

Goat Yoga returns to GPC this summer! Sign up for this special session of yoga with kid goats.

Chicago Arts and Music Project Performance

Garfield Park Conservatory 300 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago

Celebrate a successful first year of programming with Chicago Arts and Music Project on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6pm at the Garfield Park Conservatory!
