Growing and Green Living Resources

Beekeeper showing visitors a demonstration hive

Learn about composting, gardening and more with our growing and green living resources. Plant list from our most recent or upcoming plants sales can be found on this page which include their care instructions. You can also find recorded lectures here as well. If you have a resource or program request, please contact Mattie Wilson, Senior Director of Public Engagement at


Composting demonstrations are currently on pause. Ready to get started composting at home?

Download a compost brochure!

Plant Sales + Giveaways

The Annual Seedling Sale on May 11th is open to GPCA Members & Neighbors 10am-11am, and general public 11am-1pm.

The 2024 Tulip Giveaway was for GPCA Members & Neighbors – thanks for everyone who came out!

Learn how to take care of the Tulip Giveaway bulbs:

Tulip Giveaway Planting Instructions

We offer a variety of plants at sales throughout the year.

Lecture Series

We occasionally host lectures. Find resources from those talks here.

September 9, 2020

Monet and Chicago with Gloria Groom and Peter Vrotsos

Thanks to CAN-TV, we have recorded lectures from:

February 12, 2020

Unsung Pioneers of Science with Urban Roots

January 10, 2018

Eat for Health